
The Colorful Image of God

In The Colorful Image of God, Katherine Martin, a White woman who has spent most of her career working in social justice, shares her “spiritual awakening” to race and racism that started more than a decade ago.  Combining vulnerable anecdotes with academic and historical teaching, she challenges White Christians with the disconnect between our belief in “imago Dei” and the injustices that Black people, and other People of Color, face today.  By normalizing bias through personal stories, Katherine gently calls other White Christians into what can be intimidating conversations in order to inspire them to play a bigger role in uprooting injustice.  In her words, “I want our love for God, rooted in His great love for us, to propel us to fight for the rights of others like our very lives depend on it.” 

Early Praise for The Colorful Image of God

“As our nation continues to wrestle with issues of race, justice and equity, new voices are needed to enhance and deepen the conversation. Rooted in a Christian world-view, Katherine’s Colorful Image of God offers a personal, practical and hopeful perspective to equip readers in becoming agents of transformation, reconciliation and lasting societal change.”

Bruce Main, President/Founder, UrbanPromise Ministries

Media Coverage


Post Evangelical Conversation with Katherine Martin


The Colorful Image of God with Katherine Martin


I can’t remember living in a more divisive time than this.  Our world, country, and cities need image bearers like you helping to bring God’s kingdom to earth.  I believe there is a beautiful intersection between the words of Jesus and the words of scholars on this subject.  My hope and prayer in writing this is that more White people who love Jesus grow deeper in their understanding of their racial identity and fight harder to help end systems of oppression in our country.
– From
The Colorful Image of God

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