Welcome to Katherine Learns. This is a site where I am sharing in real-time what I am learning about God, justice, relationships, faith and so much more! Please join me and let me know what you are learning, too!


Contact Katherine

God and Faith

Coffee Bible

Race and Justice

Injustice Protest


Marriage and Parenting



About The Blog

This is a place to share what I am learning about myself, God, parenting, justice and so much more. I hope it can be useful to others who are trying to love God and love people well in this hard, beautiful world.

This blog started as space to discuss faith, race, and justice because I have learned so much in these areas over the last decade. As I started planning, though, I was reminded that writing is how I process life so I am taking a leap of faith and sharing my thoughts on a broader set of topics with you here!

This painting is displayed in our kitchen as a reminder to myself, my hubby, and our kiddos that when the world seems complex and confusing, which it often does, our main pursuit can be boiled down really simply:  Love God.  Love people.  It’s a simple way of embodying scripture in our house.  This is also the first art that I commissioned and it made me feel super fancy.  You, too, can enjoy the brilliance of LaDara McKinnon in your home.  Feel free to learn more about her at  LaDara Fine Art.


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On The Blog

Who are your best, most challenging teachers?

I have long been on record saying that I think teaching is one of the hardest, most important, and undervalued jobs in our country. I have always admired and respected teachers. My mom was a teacher when I when I was little; I can remember playing school in her classroom like it was yesterday. She…
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Coffee Bible

God and Faith Category

I believe God is in everything.  And while I do sometimes reference the sacred or the secular, in some ways, I think that terminology is bogus to start with – in some small (or big) way, I think everything is sacred.  If the God of the universe created us all, created every thing, created how…
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New Year One Word Intention

Anyone out there picking a word for 2022? Is choosing a one word intention a ritual for you?  I have never done this but am super intrigued by the whole concept! I did a little research to try and figure out where this phenomenon came from and can’t quite find the origin. I did learn…
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The Colorful Image of God

I can’t remember living in a more divisive time than this.  Our world, country, and cities need image bearers like you helping to bring God’s kingdom to earth.  I believe there is a beautiful intersection between the words of Jesus and the words of scholars on this subject.  My hope and prayer in writing this is that more White people who love Jesus grow deeper in their understanding of their racial identity and fight harder to help end systems of oppression in our country.   – From The Colorful Image of God

Meet Katherine

Katherine is a God-loving, justice seeker who is publishing her first book, The Colorful Image of God, in March 2022. She is passionate about learning and excited to share what she is learning on her blog! 

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