
Contact Katherine

Myself Category

Learning about self isn’t selfish if you turn the self-awareness into something meaningful. It could lead to less anxiety. Less critical self-talk. Less stress. More freedom. More joy. More boundaries. Stronger relationships. A more fulfilling job. Small moments of cultivated happiness. Deeper faith. And the list goes on….as least it does for me. When I…
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Leaving Space for Blessing (Bags)

We have three young children and I find myself thinking a lot about the lessons they are learning in life- from us, from friends, from the world.  I have heard so many wise people share that it matters a lot what you say to your kids but so many things that “stick” are because of…
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Marriage and Parenting

Relationships Category

This section of the blog is dedicated to some of my most important relationships in life, my hubby and my kids! It is also a space to write about other important relationships- my family, girlfriends, neighbors, colleagues and other people with whom I interact. It’s here we’ll explore relationships and what I am learning about building…
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