Enneagram: Part 2

Image Credit: Aimee Nana @aimtodesign_

Enneagram: Part 2

I shared a quick overview of the Enneagram in an earlier blog post and am coming back now to share Part 2. If this is something that intrigues you, like with anything on my Blog, I encourage you to take a few of the ideas or thoughts I share and use as a catalyst to…
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The Enneagram: Part One

One of the tools I have been obsessed with for self-learning purposes the last few years has been the Enneagram. Have you used it yet? I feel like in some of my “worlds” everyone knows it and people literally reference their number as they would their middle name or profession. In other parts of my…
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Myself Category

Learning about self isn’t selfish if you turn the self-awareness into something meaningful. It could lead to less anxiety. Less critical self-talk. Less stress. More freedom. More joy. More boundaries. Stronger relationships. A more fulfilling job. Small moments of cultivated happiness. Deeper faith. And the list goes on….as least it does for me. When I…
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