
Concentric Circles and The Power of Relationships

If you are alive in 2022, your heart is heavy. Just when we think there can’t possibly be one more global crisis, there is. Just when we think we are emerging from the ashes, we get pushed back down. In the last few weeks, I have been thinking about the visual of concentric circles as…
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Leaving Space for Blessing (Bags)

We have three young children and I find myself thinking a lot about the lessons they are learning in life- from us, from friends, from the world.  I have heard so many wise people share that it matters a lot what you say to your kids but so many things that “stick” are because of…
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Guest Post for Brownicity…..reflections on the shootings in Buffalo

I recently had the opportunity to write a guest blog post for Brownicity, an organization doing really important anti-racist work with people of all ages.  What I shared is below.   When this post goes live, less than three weeks will have passed since the horrific, racially- motivated shooting near Buffalo, NY.  As I thought about what I…
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