Leaving Space for Blessing (Bags)
We have three young children and I find myself thinking a lot about the lessons they are learning in life- from us, from friends, from the world. I have heard so many wise people share that it matters a lot what you say to your kids but so many things that “stick” are because of…
Read More God and Faith Category
I believe God is in everything. And while I do sometimes reference the sacred or the secular, in some ways, I think that terminology is bogus to start with – in some small (or big) way, I think everything is sacred. If the God of the universe created us all, created every thing, created how…
Read More Guest Post for Brownicity…..reflections on the shootings in Buffalo
I recently had the opportunity to write a guest blog post for Brownicity, an organization doing really important anti-racist work with people of all ages. What I shared is below. When this post goes live, less than three weeks will have passed since the horrific, racially- motivated shooting near Buffalo, NY. As I thought about what I…
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