
The Colorful Image of God 

I wrote a book.  Phew- that felt fun and incredibly scary to write.  Fun because it has been a life long dream of mine to publish a book but it wasn’t until about four years ago that I finally figured out the content.  Scary because vulnerability is hard for me and it feels really, freaking…
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Concentric Circles and The Power of Relationships

If you are alive in 2022, your heart is heavy. Just when we think there can’t possibly be one more global crisis, there is. Just when we think we are emerging from the ashes, we get pushed back down. In the last few weeks, I have been thinking about the visual of concentric circles as…
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Image Credit: Aimee Nana @aimtodesign_

Enneagram: Part 2

I shared a quick overview of the Enneagram in an earlier blog post and am coming back now to share Part 2. If this is something that intrigues you, like with anything on my Blog, I encourage you to take a few of the ideas or thoughts I share and use as a catalyst to…
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