
Contact Katherine

Myself Category

Learning about self isn’t selfish if you turn the self-awareness into something meaningful. It could lead to less anxiety. Less critical self-talk. Less stress. More freedom. More joy. More boundaries. Stronger relationships. A more fulfilling job. Small moments of cultivated happiness. Deeper faith. And the list goes on….as least it does for me. When I…
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Leaving Space for Blessing (Bags)

We have three young children and I find myself thinking a lot about the lessons they are learning in life- from us, from friends, from the world.  I have heard so many wise people share that it matters a lot what you say to your kids but so many things that “stick” are because of…
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Injustice Protest

Race and Justice Category

For now, this section of the Blog will explore topics I write about in my first book, The Colorful Image of God. My prayer is that as people engage here, they will want to go deeper with the full content in the book when it is released. In the future, I will go deeper into…
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