
Image Credit: Aimee Nana @aimtodesign_

Enneagram: Part 2

I shared a quick overview of the Enneagram in an earlier blog post and am coming back now to share Part 2. If this is something that intrigues you, like with anything on my Blog, I encourage you to take a few of the ideas or thoughts I share and use as a catalyst to…
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Injustice Protest

Race and Justice Category

For now, this section of the Blog will explore topics I write about in my first book, The Colorful Image of God. My prayer is that as people engage here, they will want to go deeper with the full content in the book when it is released. In the future, I will go deeper into…
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Life Category

If you are like me, your mind is constantly on overdrive- thinking about all sorts of random things! In fact, slowing down and being still is something I am working on (and not very good at-ha!).  So I know there are days where I will want to write about something silly, something random, something that…
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